Products and Impacts

⇒The empirical teaching professionalization of the Mining Triangle (Siuna, Rosita, Bonanza and Waslala).

⇒The implementation of a community extension model through the Community Development Center located in Rosita and Siuna, bringing together 21 communities.

⇒The identification of elite high-productivity cocoa trees in the Mining Triangle in coordination with UNAN Managua and Community, to rescue Existing Creole varieties in the Zone.

⇒The construction of bioindicators for risk management with indigenous peoples in the Mining Triangle in Coordination with Save the Children Canada.

⇒Development of 12 Community graduates in cocoa management with the participation of 240 young producers coordinated with ICCO Netherlands Onudi, OxFAM, CRS, MEFCCA and local actors such as UNAG IPADE and cocoa cooperatives.

⇒Construction of a methodological strategy to integrate women into cocoa production chains.

⇒Creating capacities for the financial management of entrepreneurial cooperatives of indigenous and half-breed peoples.

⇒Company in the elaboration of the development plan of the Mayangna Women's Nation.

⇒In coordination with the mayor of Siuna, a diagnostic process for decision-making regarding tax collection was developed.

⇒ Formation of young children of producers in the strengthening of cocoa and livestock coffee value chains in rural communities of Waslala, with the participation of Sei So Frei and Horizont3000.