URACCAN participates in launch of the Latin American Innovation Rally
The nationwide launch took place at the CONICYT facility.
Ricardo Guzmán

Today Wednesday, September 09, the Latin American Innovation Rally was launched nationally, from the CONICYT facilities. In this activity, representing URACCAN, the Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, MSc, participated. Víctor Zúniga, who explained that this event aims (1) to foster creativity, collaborative innovation, teamwork and awaken early vocations in erdourism; and (2) raise awareness of the role of change actors in our regions to future university professionals.

In this sense, the rector of URACCAN, Dr. Alta Hooker, has already confirmed before the National Council of Universities (UNC) that this institution is headquartered and that the general coordinator for the purposes of the Latin American Rally will be Master Zúniga.

URACCAN's participation in this international event involves a process of preparing entrepreneurial students who will represent this house of higher education. Therefore, in each venue work teams will be formed, "represented by our vice-chancellors and vice-chancellors, as well as representatives of the previous bodies", reported the Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

The Latin American Rally will be held on October 2 and 3. The basis of the call states that "teams have 28 hours to settle, select a challenge, understand the problem, propose a solution, identify the beneficiaries, validate it and adjust what they deem necessary until they achieve a proposal that will be presented by means of a video, lasting up to 2 minutes and a scheduled report, which gives account of the potential feasibility and impact of the 2 proposal".

According to Master Zúniga, URACCAN's expectation is to "incentivize the innovative spirit of our students and teachers in this international event, promote creativity and intercultural collaboration so that we can have active participation at the level of the entire Caribbean Coast and relevant at national and international level, generating proposals to solve local and global challenges".

This is the second time this intercultural community university will participate. Last year, the Las Minas venue hosted this event and, according to the Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, "our solution proposal was highly valued among the former".

For the purposes of this edition of the Latin American Rally 2020, which will be developed in a virtual way, URACCAN formed a General Commission, represented by the following areas: Academic Directorate, External Cooperation, SITICI, ICI, Student Welfare, UNEN, CEIMM, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, led by our magnificent rector, Dr. Alta Hooker Blandford.