Walking with firm steps towards a relevant and quality intercultural education
URACCAN officials during the articulation of the Intercultural Institutional Living Plan 2021-2030
URACCAN officials during the articulation of the Intercultural Institutional Living Plan 2021-2030
Dara Contreras

Articulation and consolidation of the "Intercultural Plan of Institutional Life 2021-2030"

Directors of areas, institutes and centers of URACCAN, met in Managua to analyze the progress and results that were obtained with the Strategic Plan 2015-2019 and articulate the Intercultural Plan of Institutional Life 2021-2030, which will be presented to the University Council of URACCAN (CUU) for its proper approval.

These meetings are important to encourage the exchange of ideas for the structuring of a plan in which each of the spaces of the university feels represented, emphasized the rector of URACCAN, Dr. Alta Hooker, also emphasizes the contribution of young people to the development of the intercultural institutional model, "one of the key points that was addressed , it was the preparation of generational relay, I really like it because that means it's going to be becoming a point that the institution is always going to be playing," he said.

Advances and challenges

For his part, Dr. José Saballos, Secretary General of URACCAN, emphasizes that one of the most significant advances of the Strategic Plan 2015-2019, is that URACCAN has positioned itself as a benchmark of Higher Education at the national level, highlighting its intercultural community model and advancing the development with identity of the peoples of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast.

"The great challenge we have is to move forward (...), we would not only aspire to be in the first place as a university in this country, but to become an international benchmark of a new conception of quality and relevance," Saballos stressed.

Also, another valuable step forward during this institutional strategic five-year period 2015-2019 is the development and transformation of the technological processes of information and communication, which have been achieved by the management that has been done since the rectory, as stated by master Marlon Peralta, director of the Information Technology and Institutional Communication System (SITICI), "we have strengthened the entire technological system (...) previously there were no educational technologies within the territories, in the enclosures today we have educational technology coordinators in each territory of URACCAN," Peralta said.  

In addition, the participating officials highlight the work that has been carried out since rectory under the management of the rector Dr. Alta Hooker, from where the processes of innovation, research, technological development and institutional internationalization have been prioritized; positioning this study house, such as the First Intercultural Community University in Latin America.

In this way, URACCAN ratifies its institutional model, to continue to professionalize men and women committed to the processes of Regional Autonomy and the Good Living/Living Well of the peoples of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast, the country and Abya Yala.