Recognition of Autonomy and URACCAN since the rectory

By: Juan Polanco Hernández

"Sisters and brothers who are accompanying us in this celebration of the 32 years of Autonomy and the 25 years of University. It is clear that URACCAN is the daughter of Autonomy and that our walk has been radiated from the approaches and articles established in the autonomy status of the Autonomous Regions", began her presentation by the rector of URACCAN, Dr. Alta Hooker Blandford, during her speech for the celebration of the 25 years of the First Intercultural Community University in Latin America and the 32 years of Autonomy.

In this sense, Dr. Hooker began by thanking all those who have accompanied the walk of URACCAN during her 25 years of intercultural community work, and, in this way, the process of Regional Autonomy of the Caribbean Coast of the country, recalling that "Working in building intercultural community university has not been an easy job... We want to share coexistence, we want to share what has happened in these processes, but we also want to thank with reason and heart each of you who have come to be with us today," Dr Hooker said.

"We are convinced that all the people we have believed and believe that a better world is possible, where respectful coexistence, equitable and inclusive participation is open to different peoples, that is clear and safe. Here are the companions who have accompanied us on this difficult journey where we have been forming companions," she continued.

Community intercultural accompaniment

Dr. Hooker also emphasized the processes developed and promoted by the university in the community, such as training territorial leaders from their rights and from the institutional mission and vision, training not only professionals, but also accompanying the community process so that such training can actually strengthen the regional process; "When we talk about development with identity that we are talking about, how each people see its development, but we are seeing that as each of the institutes accompanies the processes," he said.

Memories of the first processes

In addition, the rector of URACCAN recalled the beginnings of the Intercultural Community University, commenting that in its beginnings, "The average age, at that time, was 45 years", explaining that "there was no other way to be able to do it and in this process it was up to us to build our own curriculums in a collective way", she highlighted

"Anyway, the process has been long and that celebrating these 32 years and 25 years is a joint effort to walk with our hands intertwined, we have not always been in love, we have fought, we have become unemorated, but also in that process we have realized that if we do not stay in love, but we keep holding hands, the task is going to be much more complex , then we have been working on a joint articulation plan and you too are part of it, because you are convinced of the need for a better world," Dr Hooker added.

Thank you from reason and heart

Finally, the rector recognized and appreciated the accompaniment and presence of each of those present and those who could not be physically, but who have contributed to the development of URACCAN, the Caribbean Coast and Abya Yala.

"We peoples bring knowledge, we bring feelings, we have knowledge and we can share them, our knowledge helps to make a better world, from the depths of my heart and from reason, once again, thank you very much for being with us sharing the 32 years anniversary of regional autonomy and 25 years of URACCAN, thank you very much," he concluded.