
URACCAN's walk for CRES 2018

In order to internationalize the institutional profile of URACCAN, for CRES 2018, the area of Cooperation, Solidarity and Complementarity, together with delegations from the Agrarian University (UNA), University of Engineering (UNI), UNAN-Managua and BICU, has worked on updating and internationalizing a cross-cutting axis of the substantive functions of these universities, especially teaching, research and extension.

"The institutional profile is being improved, in this way, to be able to present it in all the international visibility activities of the university, every time we go to a congress, to a forum, to the conference, it is like a business card, so anyone interested in coolaborarating with the institution will have that framework document of reference of who we are and where we are going" , says Dr. José Saballos, director of external cooperation at URACCAN.

This transformation seeks to propose a systematic, comprehensive and cross-cutting institutional transformation process that integrates international and intercultural dimensions to contribute to the continuous improvement and strengthening of educational quality in order to enhance sustainable human development and competitiveness in contexts of globalization.

For his part, Dr. William Flores, program officer at URACCAN, mentions that internationalization is aimed at solving problems in the national context, providing tools and strategies to ensure instruments and actions that promote the exchange and innovation of knowledge, knowledge and practices.

"Internationalization is the strategic process of developing and implementing policies and programs to integrate international and intercultural dimensions into university functions for linking and complementing higher education institutions, academic networks and peoples' organizations," he adds.