URACCAN produces bar soap for hygiene and disinfection processes
The head of the URACCAN Science Laboratory at the New Guinean compound, Elder González.
Judith Robleto

Working for the university community and The Caribbean peoples

As part of the actions carried out to have prevention inputs to COVID-19 and other diseases, as well as for cleaning and disinfection work in all URACCAN enclosures, the New Guinean Science Laboratory is making, in addition to alcohol and clear, bar soap. This as part of the security protocol promoted by the rector of this higher education institution, Dr. Alta Hooker.

This time, the PhD. Eugenio López Mairena, vice-chancellor of the campus, received 75 bars of soap, for internal and external marketing purposes of the university community. The product was produced by the chemist Elder González, responsible for the laboratory, as part of the management of Rectory.

In this regard, González stated that "we are complying with the project of elaboration of hygiene, cleaning and disinfection products promoted by our top authorities, in addition, they have the prospect of lowering the costs of acquisition and ensuring the availability of them for the university community".

Gonzalez said expectations are maintained in maximizing production and using more suitable molds, as the molds used are tested.

It is important to note that since the management and request of the rector of URACCAN, these practices are carried out in the four university campuses and their extension of Waslala.

In this sense, the PhD. Lopez said that "this is part of what to make of this space, specialized and equipped to produce or transform products that benefit the community at large".