New Teachers in University Teaching

By: Jose Garth Medina

URACCAN, contributing to the relevant training of the peoples of the Caribbean Coast, formulates and imparts training programs according to the realities of the territories, in this sense, students of the Master's Degree in University Teaching, in their university campus Las Minas, on the campus of Siuna and the extension of Rosita, defended their thesis to obtain their master's degree.

URACCAN, in its academic offer, offers master's and doctoral degrees, which serve to provide scientific tools to professionals of the Caribbean Coast, to better practice their profession in the Caribbean of Nicaragua. The teachers Estebana del Carmen Altamirano Rostrán and Jose Francisco López Salgado, defended their thesis "Professional Practices in Economic and Administrative Sciences of URACCAN Rosita 2018", and was examined by the jury composed of Dr. Angélica Leonor Ruiz Calderón; Dr. Jacoba del Carmen Dávila Molina and the master Julia del Carmen Argoello Mendieta, successfully approving her thesis and in this way they became new masters of URACCAN extension Rosita.

For their part, the graduates Julissa Selmira González Rugama and Lucila Altamirano Guillen, defended their thesis called, "Analyzing the usefulness of the virtual platform in the learning process of the area Economic and Administrative Sciences of the URACCAN Campus Las Minas" and was examined by Dr. Jacoba del Carmen Dávila Molina; Msc. Julia del Carmen Argoello Mendieta, and the Msc. Sergio Genaro Rodríguez Ruiz.

Parallel pre-defense

In addition, the graduate José Antonio Ruiz Herrera and the graduate Digna Judith Colindres Pizarro, the Siuna campus and the Rosita extension respectively, made the predefensa of their thesis called "Application of the pedagogical model in the evaluation of apprenticeships in URACCAN Las Minas", to qualify for the same title.

Strengthening knowledge

The now Master Julissa Gonzales, said that the master's degree in University Teaching strengthens the work it develops daily in classrooms, especially in didactic planning, determining the methods, techniques and strategies with which the contents are developed to achieve the proposed objectives.

For his part, José Francisco López, commented that it is intended to provide better training to students of higher education and this master's degree offered better tools for that work they do at URACCAN Rosita.

Similarly, Estebana Altamirano shared that URACCAN opened the doors for her to work and "URACCAN always opens the spaces and it is up to officials to take advantage of these spaces that allow to prepare human talent to strengthen higher education and now it is left to return with a better performance as a teacher at URACCAN Rosita", he said.

Photos: Algiers Hernandez and Estebana Rostrán.