Articulation processes

By: Neylin Calderón

URACCAN, in the journey towards interculturality and the formulation of processes that strengthen the regional autonomy of the Caribbean Coast, in addition to accompanying the processes of strengthening community development, signed an agreement with the Institute of Research and Social Management (INGES), in the URACCAN Bilwi campus.

The memorandum of understanding has as its title: "Axis of productive development San Jerónimo Sahsa: Consolidating articulation and advocacy processes", and has as its main purpose to make use of the community information centers (Cidoc) that the Institute of Research and Social Management has in 21 communities in the municipalities of Puerto Cabezas and Waspam, in the North Caribbean of Nicaragua.

INGES coordinates with URACCAN the actions that contribute to the good development of the Community Development Information Centres and the university is responsible for advising the Institute and certainly making use of each of the CIDocs as a way to promote community development, as well as as a knowledge center, of university extension, also as documentation centers , observatory and research for its collaborators and volunteers.  

In addition, during the session, the Institute of Research and Social Management presented its new executive director Aleyda Gutiérrez to the university authorities.