URACCAN venue New Guinea holds Regional Autonomy Forum 2020
Mayor of New Guinea: "To talk about autonomy means that you have to strengthen the human resources of the Caribbean Coast, and that is what URACCAN has done."
Judith Robleto

This house of intercultural higher education has been key in the development of the Caribbean Coast.

With the participation of different state institutions, non-governmental organizations, authorities and community, territorial, municipal and regional leaders and leaders, the URACCAN educational community in the New Guinea campus held the Regional Autonomy Forum 2020, in order to establish a space for reflection and dialogue on the state of the art of Regional Autonomy on the Caribbean Coast and the contribution of this house of study to it.

The master lecture was held by Master Michael Campbell Hooker, ambassador on special mission of the Republic of Nicaragua and development manager of the Official Investment Promotion Agency of the Government of Nicaragua with an emphasis on the Caribbean (ProNicaribe).

The speaker stated that, "without a doubt, URACCAN's participation in formulating the Caribbean Coast development strategy in 2006 and subsequently in the implementation of the different development strategy programmes since 2007, has been critical"

Campbell further stated that "URACCAN is actively involved in the implementation of the Family and Community Health Model, in the implementation of the Regional Regional Regional Education Model, conducts research, there is a large list of what this university does, both in the Caribbean Thing and beyond (....). URACCAN develops innovation programmes, training programmes and has undoubtedly excelled," for which it congratulated its rector, Dr. Alta Hooker and all the vice-chancellors of this institution.

URACCAN, forging machine and defender of autonomy

Teacher Claribel Castillo, mayor of the municipality of New Guinea, said that "URACCAN is an institution forging autonomy and an advocate for autonomy on the Caribbean Coast." According to the civil service, a significant achievement is that "the budget has been strengthened without the need for previously given student struggles."

"URACCAN has been participating in almost all spaces, forums that occur at national and international level, always following the strengthening of the capacities of the university's staff," she said, ensuring that "to talk about autonomy means that the caribbean Coast's own human resources need to be strengthened, and URACCAN has worked to strengthen the capacities of its staff , its teachers and therefore its students and be able to influence the development of our communities, our municipalities, our Caribbean Coast".

Meanwhile, the PhD. Eugenio López Mairena, vice-chancellor of this university campus, said that "it has a great significance to celebrate now the 26 years of URACCAN, but also the 33 of autonomy, because as a university we consider ourselves the daughter of Regional Autonomy".

For Lopez, to talk about autonomy is "to think of a management process for full recognition that we are a multicultural, multi-ethnic country, with a vision of its own development". It also stated that URACCAN was the higher education institution that materializes, promotes and defends the regional process, working on decolonizing education, for the development of the region and the country.