Authorities of the Bilwi campus that make up the Risk Management Committee.
Scenario: Flood caused by heavy rains
Authorities of URACCAN Bilwi enclosure met to organize the team that will participate in the III National Multi-Morning Exercise for the preparation and protection of life in hazardous situations, which will be held next Thursday, October 01 and which is executed by the National System for Prevention, Mitigation and Disaster Care (Sinapred).
According to the teacher Ivania Padilla, responsible for the Area of Hygiene and Institutional Security of the Bilwi enclosure, at about 10 am there will be a flood in the urban area of the municipality of Puerto Cabezas, because of the tropical wave No. 25, therefore, they put at risk the life of the entire university community.
Purposes of participating in multi-threat exercises
URACCAN seeks to prevent and control situations that endanger the lives of the entire university community. In addition, by participating in these national life preparedness and protection exercises, the contingency plan and flood prevention response plan are implemented on site.
The area that will be used to be part of this III National Simulacro will be the area of Health Sciences, where the members of the Institutional Committee on Risk Management will be activated to bring to a safe area students, teachers and administrative staff who will be part of this eventuality.
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