Institutional Commitments to Good Do, Good Living and Living Well

By: Neylin Calderón

The first intercultural community university, URACCAN, in its Bilwi university campus, held the third regular session of the University Council of the Campus (CUR), the highest decision-making instance in the territory, with the aim of presenting the epistemological foundation of the university, the annual budget of this 2020, among other agenda items.

In the first instance the main agreements of the previous CUR were presented, having a good compliance in the execution, which reflects the commitment that is made from the various levels of the campus for the proper functioning of the university, then, the master Yuri Zapata, explained the epistemological foundation of the URACCAN that has to do with the philosophy of this house of intercultural higher studies.

According to Zapata, URACCAN has as its main purpose, apart from what is embodied in its mission and vision to make visible the history of the peoples originating in the Caribbean Coast and the contribution to Regional Autonomy, "the university is an institutional project that responds to the historical inspirations of indigenous, Afro-descendant and mixed-race peoples and communities of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua" , the Vice-Chancellor-General explained.

URACCAN has as its commitment and social responsibility, from the areas of Learning Communities, Intercultural Community Accompaniment and Creation and Recreation of Knowledge and Knowledge, the formation of intercultural citizenships, with the support of leaders, is why "300 graduates have been held in the 25 years of URACCAN, including community bases that have some leadership position in the community" , detailed Zapata.

Other agenda items

This third regular session of the CUR addressed the presentation of the Management Report 2019, by the master's degree Abner Figueroa, coordinator of the institutional planning area of the Bilwi campus, who disclosed that an average of 84% compliance was had in the management of annual planning as a university campus, at the same time urged those present to continue working in the same direction that has strengthened the university through the executions of proposed activities.

For his part, Enrique Cordón, PhD, vice-chancellor of the Bilwi campus, presented the main agreements of the first session of the University Council of URACCAN (CUU) held in the Las Minas campus, including the approval of graduation in the Waspam Extension, the 5% increase in salary to URACCAN officials and the fulfillment of 40 working hours , detailed Cordon.

Similarly, the annual budget for 2020 was reported, and compliance with the 40 working hours of the officials and officials of the venue was approved, taking into account that it will be replenished one day for another day.