URACCAN Bilwi campus performs student recruitment process
Authorities of URACCAN Bilwi venue on media tour
Authorities of URACCAN Bilwi venue on media tour
Neylin Calderon

Academic offer process 2021

Throughout the week, an entourage of teachers, in conjunction with the Institute of Intercultural Communication (ICI-URACCAN), through the area of Disclosure of URACCAN Bilwi enclosure, have visited the local media, to make known to the population the academic offer of the school year 2021 in the enclosure and its Waspam Extension, in addition to promoting the institutional philosophy of this house of intercultural higher studies.

The media tour began in Canal 7, where teacher Ivonne McLean, academic secretary of the venue and Ing. Gerardo Gutierrez, coordinator of the sciences, technology and environment area, explained the benefits of being part of this alma mater. In addition, the academic secretary, in conjunction with the teacher Elebe Williams, coordinator of the humanities, legal and social sciences area, visited the Radio Bilwi Stereo and Channel 22 "Voice and Image of Autonomy", where they shared, in Spanish and miskitus on the requirements, the careers of 2021 and the entire institutional philosophy of URACCAN.

Similarly, on Thursday, January 07, 2021, teacher McLean, together with teacher Sheran Colomer, coordinator of the area Economic and Administrative Sciences, will visit the Radio Voz Evangélica de la Costa Atlantica (VECA), to have that closeness with the entire population of Puerto Cabezas and communities of Waspam.

Under this process, McLean referred that student recruitment is about promoting different communication strategies to attract the new student population, "for this we are making use of all radio, television and social media, to bring information to the high schoolers who want to study in college," he said.

Preparations for the new income 2021

In addition, the academic highlighted the work that is done with the construction of the infrastructure that was destroyed by Hurricanes Iota and Eta, so that in the 2021 school year the student has better conditions, in addition, commented that the other classrooms are being conditioned to receive first-income students.

"The university has other spaces in the city of Bilwi, as well as buildings that still lend the conditions and those are the spaces that we are prioritizing to give attention to the students," the academic secretary concluded.

It should be mentioned that, throughout the week, the teaching and administrative staff has carried out cleaning days, with the purpose of preparing the conditions on the university campus and therefore receiving the new student community that on Saturday 09 and Monday 11 January to the propedeutic course.