URACCAN New Guinea, towards the Cultivation and Breeding of Wisdom and Knowledge
Training activity on CCRISAC.
Judith Robleto

URACCAN, providing research accompaniment to its students

Through all its academic spaces and promoting regional development, in URACCAN New Guinea campus trainings are being developed on the research methodology CCRISAC (Culture and Breeding of Wisdoms and Knowledge), which is typical of this institution and in which 26 students participated in the monographic process.

This activity is coordinated by the area of Research and Postgraduate and the Academic area, with the aim of promoting quality in the different modalities of completion of studies, thus strengthening the capacities, skills and mastery of research tools, which allows to give an effective accompaniment to the human talent of this campus.

For Master Wilson Calero Borge, Research and Postgraduate Coordinator at this campus, this workshop represents "a space of appropriation of CCRISAC, seen as the approach of own research, research from the peoples and a methodology of its own that proposes and operates URACCAN, through its conception of research".

Calero also notes through this "research methodology new skills are acquired in teachers and tutors for the research processes of the university."

For the teacher Jorge Velázquez, programmer analyst of the New Guinean compound, "THE CCRISAC, is a proposal of methodological and pedagogical research that has a philosophical and epistemological basis for the creation and recreation of knowledge and knowledge, practice of the peoples of the Caribbean Coast".

Velázquez, who also lived the experience of working this methodology in his postgraduate degree, states that "this CCRISAC project as a research proposal is the product of three universities at the Latin American level", referring to URACCAN, the Intercultural University (Amawtay Wasi) of Ecuador, and the Autonomous, Indigenous and Intercultural University (UAII) of Colombia.

For the teacher Carlos Alvares, permanent teacher of the venue, "these processes are important because they come to refresh the new trends of research; having its own methodology such as CCRISAC as a proposal of indigenous universities in Latin America gives one more opportunity to work on a new approach to research as a new research paradigm".