URACCAN guarantees 231 student scholarships at Bilwi campus
Meeting of the URACCAN Scholarship Commission Bilwi
Meeting of the URACCAN Scholarship Commission Bilwi
Neylin Calderon

Benefits for the student community

The scholarship commission of URACCAN Bilwi campus, met to classify applications for scholarships made by students to receive financial benefits, being approved 231 scholarships between internal, external and special.

According to teacher Ivonne McLean, academic secretary of this campus, for this process a call is first made to the student community, subsequently applications are received, where the beneficiaries are those students who are low-income, "according to the regulations must have approved all their subjects but are not asked for average qualification," he said.

It also referred to URACCAN's scholarship program, which are classified among internal and external scholarships; this provides the specials, with which the student pays no tariff or transport, "after carrying out the analysis, the type of scholarship that can be provided to him will be determined", he explained, adding that scholarships are provided for being part of sports or cultural groups.

"We approved based on eligible applications, 30 internal scholarships and approximately 157 external scholarships and students are still coming to apply," McLean emphasized.

Forward Women Scholarship Program

It is important to mention that from URACCAN and Forward Women there is an agreement where women students of the career of Intercultural Medicine benefit, "equal reception (applications), qualify, apart from the documents they must gather, their qualifications must be above 80", McLean emphasized.

The agreement also states that the beneficiaries will receive the transportation grant from URACCAN, "within the scholarship act in addition to integrating the internal scholarship, the external scholarship, we have the Forward Woman scholarships, because we complete that program," McLean said. By 2021, 44 scholarships were approved in this program.