URACCAN-CEIMM creates awareness-raising spaces to eradicate violence against women
Women from the Jerusalem community who participated in the workshop.
Judith Robleto

Promoting gender equity and equal opportunities

As part of the implementation of the strategic lines of action arising from gender, violence and spirituality research, carried out by URACCAN from its Center for Multi-ethnic Women's Studies and Research (CEIMM), awareness-raising processes are developed on issues that contribute to eradicating violence against women.

In this regard, with the facilitation of the Commission on the Eradication of Gender Violence and Related Intolerance of URACCAN New Guinea, a workshop with 30 women from the Jerusalem community was held on 15 October.

For teacher Rosalina Cruz, a CEIMM researcher at the New Guinea campus, "it is based on the results of gender, violence and spirituality research that an action plan was made to develop awareness-raising processes on gender issues, violence, racism, and resilience."

Cruz also explained that "this is one of several processes that are carried out to work on the issue of gender, both internally and externally".

Meanwhile, the PhD. Eugenio López Mairena, vice-chancellor of the venue, greeted the participants and recalled the commitment that this house of studies has since the approach to gender issues. "From our Mission and Vision we work on the issue of gender and the promotion of a society free of violence, that is why being in these spaces is of the utmost importance," the professor said.

Ms. Maribel Mendoza Amador, workshop participant, said it is very important to address "these issues of violence and how to identify them, but that we can get out of it if we are living it and also tell other women that we must get out of a relationship before it is too late". Mendoza added that "it's important to work with males as well, for them to become aware," he said.

The workshop jointly enabled an intersectional analysis of gender, disability, age, sexuality, ethnicity and provenance, with other dimensions such as economics, education and health, to deepen the situation of discrimination and levels of violence.