URACCAN venue New Guinea opening proedeutic course with high student demand

"Pre-historical tuition" at the university campus

By: Judith Robleto

With more than 450 pre-triculated students in different careers and modalities, URACCAN opened the pro-edeutic course at its New Guinea university campus; young people come from different departments of the country, mainly from the South and North Caribbean areas and the Rio San Juan department.

"It's a historical pre-enrollment, more than last year, as more and more young people choose to study at URACCAN," said the visiting professor Blandón, academic secretary at the university campus.

The applicants participate in the different shifts and modalities where the propedeutic course is offered, having to take it and pass it to, subsequently, make their proper registration in the corresponding race and modality.

Institutional philosophy taught by URACCAN staff.

In the same sense, the authorities of the university campus welcomed the participants of the propedeutics, facilitating the institutional philosophy in a shared way, among permanent teachers, coordination of areas and the vice-chancellor of the venue.

Teacher Consuelo Blandón added, "Let it be the coordinations of areas, teachers and the vice-chancellor who present the philosophy of our university, makes the process more dynamic and where we are all involved," she said.  

For its part, the PhD. Eugenio López, vice-chancellor of URACCAN campus New Guinea emphasized that "Seeing these students in the propedeutic, seeing how several of the careers filled space very quickly, is also certain of the confidence that people have in the educational quality of our university," he said.

First impressions

For Jerson López Lazo, a young man from the Buena Vista community, from the rural areas of El Castillo, "Being studying this course, and then entering the biology career of URACCAN, is a dream that since I was a child, URACCAN is one of the great universities of the country and biology has liked me since I looked at it in high school", he recounted.

"Studying nursing is my dream, last year I tried, but in the end I did not stay, this year I come more prepared to stay, since it is the career that I have wanted to study as a child, and in this university that I know they do internships, that have teachers and laboratories to give the class, I know that I will be able to graduate," commented Joselinne Bucardo, from Colonia San Miguel , of the municipality of New Guinea.

For his part Nelson Rivera, traveled from Rio San Juan to study the civil engineering career, referring that "Since elementary school I liked this career, I was the best student of my school and I participated in school competitions and I have been told that URACCAN, is one of the best in the country, the teachers who teach here have experience in the work and I liked that , that's why I chose to study here," he said.

Among the most demanded careers on campus are intercultural nursing, bachelor's degree in English, civil engineering and accounting-related careers; which have been the races that filled the quotas first.