Meeting of the University Council of Campus, URACCAN Las Minas
Institutional articulation for the 2021 school year
With the presence of the honorable members University Council of Campus, the first session of the year is held at URACCAN campus Las Minas, to address the work that will be carried out from the different institutional areas of URACCAN on its campus of Siuna and the extensions of Rosita, Bonanza and Waslala.
The session began with the reflection of the Institutional Mission and Vision, which emphasized that during the visit of authorities of the National System for Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Care (Sinapred), they emphasized the importance of URACCAN in the training process to local government personnel, on the issue of risk management during the passage of the two hurricanes Eta and Iota.
On the re-entry process
In addition, it was stated that during this year's new income process, a total of 753 students are pursuing propedeutics, 313 on the Siuna campus, 109 in Bonanza, 286 in Rosita and 145 in Waslala. In addition, the coordinators of each of the university extensions explained the various strategies for attracting new income.
Similarly, the authorities explained that in URACCAN Bonanza extension there is a great demand for the career of Public Accounting and Auditing being the majority of female students, as well as in Agroforestry Engineering and Accounting, according to the master's degree Eulogio Pedro Rufus, coordinator of this university extension.
It also addressed the issue of the results of the evaluation of natural laboratories, following the passage of hurricanes, as well as the proposal of free courses of the Indigenous Mayangna language.
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