Teaching guild holds briefing at URACCAN Bilwi campus
Faculty Guild Briefing at URACCAN Bilwi Campus
Faculty Guild Briefing at URACCAN Bilwi Campus
Neylin Calderon

Progress and accountability

In order to report on progress and publicize the surrender of activities carried out in 2020, the teaching guild of URACCAN Bilwi held a meeting, also addressing topics related to the processes developed the previous year despite the difficulties that were had.

In this sense, it was emphasized that the teachers remained consistent in the fulfillment of the academic calendar and for this new school year have presented thee with good energies to continue the educational process of this alma mater.

During the meeting the vice-chancellor of URACCAN Bilwi enclosure, PhD. Enrique Cordón thanked the teaching guild for the availability and dedication to stand firm in his hard work.

"Even though last year was quite difficult, because we had several phenomena that affected us, we first had the social and economic impact that affected us quite a bit, the second blow we had and it was more significant that upset the life of each of us, which was the coronavirus (...); finally two hurricanes that hit us. The great thing about it is that those difficult times, that's where we realize we're united and we're working on the same course," Cordón said.

The vice-chancellor also urged the teaching guild to continue compliance with the security protocol before Covid-19, implemented in URACCAN's enclosures and extensions.

Teacher Guild Ratings

In addition, teacher Glenis Escobar, on behalf of the faculty, thanked the rector, Dr. Alta Hooker, for the good efforts made during and after the passage of these natural phenomena, including the construction and equipment of the teaching room.

Finally, Nilson Dumas, representative of the teaching guild, presented the report on accountability of the guild's own funds, in addition to the efforts made during 2020 and the projections that are held for this new year, "The other assembly that is scheduled for the last week of this month is to elect the new board of directors," he explained.

Dumas, called the work that teachers have done excellently, facing many challenges, "First the coronavirus, because we were not used to teaching fully, we made use of virtual media, but very little, after this, we had to get into full, it was a year of many challenges, then the hurricanes, however, we managed to meet the goal , which was to meet the academic calendar, despite all the challenges, was a good and successful year," concluded the teaching representative.