Students of the propedeutic course at URACCAN extension Rosita
Opening of two new races in the extension
URACCAN, in its extension Rosita, gave a successful opening to two new careers in this territory, relevant to the needs of the municipality and surrounding communities. These processes are accompanied by rectory management, coordinated by Dr. Alta Hooker Blandford.
"This year two new careers are opened, the Senior Technician in Intercultural Nursing, with regular modality and Education Sciences with Mention in English, in Sabatina modality; we have pre-enrolled 122 students in Nursing and in English we have 68 students," MSc said. Yanet Sevilla, coordinator of URACCAN Rosita extension.
Entry processes and requirements.
In addition, the official added that the enrolment process for re-entry students began from January 04, to February 20, 2021 and for new income will begin from 01 to 20 February 2021, since one of the requirements is to have completed the propedeutic in the case of the Senior Technician in Intercultural Nursing.
URACCAN is the first intercultural community university in Latin America and continues to strengthen and guarantee the right to intercultural higher education of young people on the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast. In this sense, a total of 190 students take the propedeutic at URACCAN Extension Rosita.
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