URACCAN Bluefields enclosure receives first secretary of Russian Embassy
URACCAN Bluefields authorities with Russian diplomat and his wife.
Josselyn Flores

Strengthening strategic alliances

The first secretary of the Russian Embassy in Nicaragua, Sergei Mikhailovich Kudryashóv, and his wife, Marina Kudryashóva, visited the URACCAN compound in Bluefields, where they talked with academic authorities on the Intercultural Community University model, actions on behalf of indigenous peoples and ethnic communities on the Caribbean Coast, as well as strategic alliances and agreements between the two entities.      

On that visit, the Russian diplomat toured the bluefields campus facilities and learned about the university's history, its training processes and community accompaniment, the presentation of which was given by the teacher Heidi Guillén, academic secretary of the campus.  

"We are a university that, in addition to working here in the region, goes further nationally and internationally, our profile is multi-ethnic, multicultural, and what we promote is the unity of the Caribbean Coast," she said.

The teacher explained that URACCAN is "the result of the collective work and effort of Costacan men and women who saw the need to contribute to higher education in these autonomous regions." For this reason, URACCAN has been recognized as the "Daughter of Autonomy", by both Regional Governments.

The first secretary of the Russian Embassy in Nicaragua expressed great concern with the visit to URACCAN and expressed his admiration for the work of the educational community to bring inclusive and relevant education to the multi-ethnic context of the Caribbean Coast.

During the meeting, ideas arose for future exchange and collaboration actions to continue contributing to this quality education for the costly society.

Finally, the academic secretariat and the Director of External Cooperation, MSc. Ilenia García, they delivered the printed journals Science and Interculturality and URACCAN a day, as a sign of their appreciation for the visit and as a sign of the systematic and articulated work that this house of studies has been doing.