Nora Rigby Library trains new-income students
Training students re-entering the use of the URACCAN database.
Josselyn Flores

Commitment to academic-scientific development

The Nora Rigby Library, of the URACCAN Bluefields venue, trained students from different careers in the use of this institution's database. The training was provided by the Licda. Gladys Wons, responsible for this area, in coordination with the licensees Miriam Lemons and Aleyda Gómez.

According to Mr. Miriam Lemons, an assistant in this library, "from this area students have been trained on remote access to the scientific databases held by the university".

These trainings are carried out with the new revenue, to train them in terms of research through the URACCAN platform, so that they acquire the practice in terms of the use of scientific technologies and develop research and self-study skills.

The graduate also explained that "the goal of having this meeting is for students to become familiar with the different databases and to be provided with the research assigned by teachers in classrooms."

In this sense, "students of Psychology, Administrative Informatics, Sociology, among other careers have been trained; this training day was very successful, as it was fulfilled with the set time lapse," said Lemons.

These spaces provide research tools to students, which optimize their learning process in different contexts and areas, promoting in them the humanistic and scientific spirit.

The Nora Rigby Library, committed to academic development, will continue to provide knowledge to the campus student community, making available its extensive database and digital resources.