URACCAN teachers strengthen knowledge through training
Teacher training at URACCAN Las Minas campus
Teacher training at URACCAN Las Minas campus
Jindriska Mayorga Polanco

New methodologies and tools in the learning process

URACCAN, from the management and accompaniment of rectory to the different campuses, institutes, centers and areas, continuously strengthens the training of its teachers through trainings, generating tools that allow a process of timely learning and in accordance with the philosophy of the first Intercultural Community University in Latin America.

In this sense, in URACCAN Las Minas campus, the first teacher training of this year 2021 was developed, with the aim of analyzing educational trends and challenges, active methodologies, and the evaluation of apprenticeships.

In this context, the PhD. Leonor Ruiz Calderón, vice-chancellor of URACCAN las Minas precinct, commented that the trainings are carried out at the beginning of each semester to update the knowledge, "this is a challenge that is done twice a year for teachers to renew their knowledge, this allows each of them to have a concordance with their actions for development and a better educational process" Ruiz argued.

In addition, during this process we reflected on learning systems, taking into account the era of the 21st century and considering everything that has been experienced with the pandemic, "we talked about how more active learning can be done, allowing students to build their knowledge, using the most appropriate strategies, according to the themes and considering what social learning is , virtual learning, as well as the different evaluation systems to consider so that the student is builder of his own knowledge," explained Master Aura Gonzales, coordinator of the area of Economic and Administrative Sciences.

For her part, the coordinator of the Humanities area, Maestra Lilia Montoya, added that the training processes are carried out with the idea of discussing different topics related to Intercultural Higher Education, which allows to advance the quality and educational relevance in URACCAN.

Finally, teacher Julissa Gonzales added that training is a coexistence among teachers, because all disciplines converge and complement knowledge with the experiences of other teachers, and noted that the process of virtuality has been a challenge and they must move towards these new learning trends.