Master's Degree in Social Anthropology culminates with face-to-face meetings
Teachers in Social Anthropology, URACCAN Bilwi Campus
Teachers in Social Anthropology, URACCAN Bilwi Campus
Neylin Calderon

Module: Cultural Management

Teachers in Social Anthropology, of URACCAN Bilwi enclosure, began the last face-to-face meeting, with the module Cultural Management, taught by the teacher Esther McLean Cornelius, to finish with the curriculum programmed in the master's degree.

According to teacher Ivonne McLean, the academic secretary of the campus, the teachers have made progress with the preparations for the presentation of the thesis, "we have been advancing the entire research process, several of them are already in pre-defense and defense processes so that when they finish the program they can present their thesis," he said.

For her part, teacher Esther McLean explained that one of the objectives for this module is to acquire the basic knowledge of Cultural Management, to reinforce learnings with topics related to culture and interculturality, and thus, "professionals can make use of that knowledge, the laws existing in Nicaragua, in the region, public policies of cultural heritage and how professionals can influence the issue of culture" Said.

The facilitator also stated that, throughout the week, six units will be delivered, "each planned to work theory and practice," McLean said. Considering that teachers are in the final phase of the curriculum, each of the learnings will complement the research they will present in the final work.

Finally, the academic secretary specified that, at the end of the 16 students of this first generation, this master's degree will be offered again so that new contestants can study Social Anthropology at URACCAN.