At the New Guinea Campus

By: Judith Robleto

In the framework of compliance with institutional regulations and in order to strengthen the knowledge of nursing students, which materializes from the philosophy of the Intercultural Community University and its Pedagogical Model, in URACCAN new Guinea campus, the V act of imposition of cofia was developed, with the participation of 30 students of the second year of the Technician in Intercultural Nursing.

The ceremonial event involved authorities and other members of the university community, with the presence of delegations from the Ministry of Health (MINSA), family members and friends of young people who were receiving the cofias that identifies them as future professional nursing members with an attitude of service to the community.

"This event confirms the commitment to study with the heart to serve the community in general, this being the fundamental objective of this career, who (students) will be administrators of intercultural health actions in their field of action with respect to the spirituality of the different peoples," the PhD stressed. Eugenio López Mairena, vice-chancellor of the compound.

URACCAN for learning with warmth and quality

Mr. Sandra Pérez, a nurse by profession and coordinator of the career on campus, shared that "the imposition of cofia is an official act of the university, thus distinguishing the academic year from the one who carries it and must carry it to complete its uniform when performing its practices in the different health services".

"Cofia is a sign of Discretion, dignity, respect, value responsibility, dignity, honesty, simplicity, service to humanity and loyalty to the profession," justified Teacher Perez, who shared the living meaning of this vital process for the health members who perform and live this remarkable profession.

A look from the students

Milady Angeli Rivas Picado, a nursing student who received her cofia, stressed that, "for us to be students of URACCAN represents the opportunity to professionalize in our municipality, to contribute to improve the quality of health of the coastal population, because what is taught by the university is characterized by providing an education from the knowledge, humanist values, principles and knowledge that (we) will be useful in all areas of our lives".

A space of inspiration

The activity was attended by first-income students of this career and showed their longings and aspirations with joy at seeing the process and presentation of the technicians and techniques in nursing, therefore, they are sure to reach this stage as the main objective.