New Guinea campus human talent prepares for potential disasters
63 people participated in the exercise. Here, a nurse, in the first aid area.
Judith Robleto

The university community participates in exercise, taking action against COVID-19

The community of URACCAN campus New Guinea joined the National Multi-Threat Simulation, which was carried out by taking the prevention measures against COVID-19. The purpose of this exercise is to prepare this large family for a possible hurricane, activating the institutional security protocol.

URACCAN, as part of the Municipal Committee for Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Care (COMUPRED), prior to the event, participated in the organization of the scenarios in which the exercise and logistics would be represented to present the information of the event to the immediate.

For teacher Karla Mayorga, head of Hygiene and Safety of the compound, "the exercise carried out reminds us of the importance of being prepared to face a hurricane accident, which was what we simulated, as we are also prone to flooding in this region and this season."

The university community present in the campus set out to participate in the previously organized exercise. Meanwhile, the deputy chancellor of the compound, PhD. Eugenio López Mairena, assured that "it is important not to forget that we are in an area prone to heavy rains, tropical waves and maximum at this time, so we must be prepared, taking the measures to take care of life, which is the most essential".

This time 63 people participated, of whom 34 were women. In addition, the stage was attended by a first aid team already organized within the premises, for immediate attention and the preservation of life.