Bluefields Prison System in professionalization processes.
Authorities participate in articulation meeting
Authorities participate in articulation meeting
Keydi Bent

URACCAN, providing intercultural community accompaniment

As part of the initiative of the Government of Nicaragua, through the Ministry of the Interior, Prison System and in coordination with URACCAN, this 06 January 2021 a meeting was held to begin the process of vocational training, aimed at the private and deprived of freedom of the Bluefields Prison System.

This effort is a joint process that has been being worked on since months ago, in order to start the propedeutic course and make professionalization a reality for these men and women who wish to form in the areas of their preference.

A social reintegration with new opportunities

According to Wilfredo Jarquín, Delegate of the Ministry of Government, "we have been working with the Ministry of Education and have been graduating a large number of young people from the Prison System, from literacy levels, sixth grade, high school and technical courses, to improve their quality of life and professional knowledge," he emphasized.

In this sense, Master Ilenia García, Director of External Cooperation, said that "We are aiming for other training processes, because it will cover not only this professional career, but also talked about continuing education courses, vocational courses and also academic offers to system officials," she explained.

A mission, with heart and knowledge

For URACCAN, further capacity building, and the knowledge of the population is one of its philosophical pillars, which is why this 2021 school year has the challenge of teaching the ins and outs of the Bluefields City Prison System, which has a number of 72 students interested and interested in the career of administrative computing.

During this training process, each of the applicants will be fully scholarshiped by URACCAN. The pro-edeutic course will begin on Saturday, January 09, 2021, starting with the formal registration process of the participants.