Students value it as a successful experiment with broiler chickens
Agroforestry Engineering students of the Bilwi enclosure in fattening chicken care.
Neylin Calderon

Teaching-learning in theory and practice from URACCAN

For a couple of weeks now, a group of students from the fourth year of Agroforestry Engineering have been tasked with experimenting with the care and rearing of broiler chickens, a work that to date has been totally successful, since of 100 chicks, which was the starting amount, only 6 have died and the remaining 94 carry a constant rate of growth.

Student Karyme González called the practices "a fairly great experience", because students are responsible for feeding, drinking, cleaning the farm, vitamin and giving all the necessary care to the chickens, which so far are growing rapidly. "We learn every day how they should be managed, what are the benefits we can get and part of the practice we have, because it is our first time."

It should be noted that the teaching-learning methods implemented at the First Intercultural Community University in Latin America are carried out with the purpose of fostering new knowledge to the entire student community. "In theory we have some knowledge, but if we go into practice, URACCAN encourages us and ways us to see for our environment and not to get stuck in what the theory says, but it pushes us to develop more of our knowledge in the field," Gonzalez said.

The URACCAN's mission is to train men and women with knowledge, knowledge, values, principles, humanist attitudes and a sense of entrepreneurship and innovation, so that from all careers it is encouraged to study the creation of their own businesses, so that, apart from being good professionals, they are great entrepreneurs.

"Today we have based a lot on that a university degree is everything, it may be, but I think we should have a more in-depth vision of just having a degree and already, but having a degree, but also being able to undertake, I can develop and I can help others develop, because in the context of URACCAN what they want is to create professionals with skills , being entrepreneurs, according to all the experiences that they have allowed us and the practices we have had we can do any type of business," the student said.