Diversity and Autonomy
By: Neylin Calderón
URACCAN, in its processes of social transformation, works in the training of professionals committed to the development of the Autonomy of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua, that is why, students of the THIRD year of the sociology career with mention in autonomy, received a conversation on the various types of autonomy existing worldwide.
This conversation was taught by the teacher and historian Yuri Zapata, who was invited by teacher Jamile Meissner, as a way to fulfill the lesson plan of the subject called Comparative Regional Models of the Area of Humanities, Legal and Social Sciences of URACCAN Bilwi Enclosure.
Analysis of regional processes
According to Professor Jamile, this conversation helped students conduct an in-depth analysis of "what level we are at, as to the advancement of autonomy and when we talk about autonomy to which we are referring," he said.
"These spaces of knowledge, of dialogues with subject matter experts, can help learning teaching processes are what we try to promote so that students take ownership of the contents that develop in each subject," Meissner concluded.
It should be noted that in october the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua will be celebrating 32 years of regional autonomy typical of indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and mestizos, being the URACCAN, daughter of autonomy.
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