Students of Intercultural Nursing with mention in Epidemiology conclude their practices
Throughout the process, URACCAN accompanied its students, who expressed gratitude and high expectations.
Judith Robleto

URACCAN and Ministry of Health, hand in hand with the professionalization of the student

As part of the professionalization processes promoted by URACCAN, 15 young students of Intercultural Nursing with mention in Epidemiology of the New Guinea campus remained providing their community services for two months at the SILAIS of Chontales, Hospital Escuela Asunción and the health center of the city of Juigalpa.

More than excited and "in love", the students who are graduating from their university career, they appreciated the opportunity given to them by their university and the Ministry of Health.

For Dr. Magdalena Marín, physician at the Asunción hospital in Juigalpa and a schedule teacher at URACCAN campus New Guinea, "based on the theory they learned in the classroom and now in practice, this will allow them to share all their knowledge in the field of public health at any level".

In this sense, Dr. Luz Luna López, head of epidemiology at the Health Center of Juigalpa, said that "they are young people very willing to work, worked with the Comupred, with the Army in the face of what happened with the hurricanes and that is enriching, because as an epidemiologist you have to be available 24/7, be attentive to vigilance... they are empowered and knowledge-knowledgeing young people."

Lived experiences that enrich knowledge already gained

At each rotation post where young students were visited, the joy of learning was found in them and their tutors, of developing step by step the health protocols learned in the classroom.

"I feel that in other careers you can vary theoretical learning with practice, but in Nursing it is to put step by step what you learn in practice, I am very excited and grateful for the respect and trust in us on the part of the officials of the health system," the student Uri Hernandez said excitedly.

Meanwhile, Mayela Mejía Hernández referred to the experience as "broad and very sufficient". The young woman further assured that the expertise of working in hospitals as well as fieldwork allows that to be an "epidemiologist is not only to be receiving data, it is also to search for, consolidate and keep an eye on what happens in each health care room".

URACCAN bets on the quality and quality of its graduates

For the PhD. Eugenio López, vice-chancellor of the campus, "the Intercultural Community University accompanies the student in all these learning processes; that our students have worked in a health center with an epidemiological monitoring and monitoring office, the hospital and SILAIS, has been of great importance because they verified that the theory was important to put it into practice, but also the process of coexistence of the community is extremely important".

López Mairena expressed his feelings for the assessment of the different areas where students have rotated, where they emphasize the great importance and help of the work done by these young people.

URACCAN's intercultural health curriculum promotes the acquisition of meaningful, relevant and relevant knowledge. Undoubtedly, the 15 young people who are concluding their internships at SILAIS Chontales, take greater experiences, which will allow to obtain more knowledge about the mention of the career.