Civil Engineering Students

By: Neylin Calderón

Within the framework of the subject Health and Reproductive Sexual Rights, students of the first year of Civil Engineering of URACCAN in the Bilwi enclosure, through songs and poems dedicated to women commemorated the "International Women's Day".

According to the graduate Thelma Bustamante Morales, time teacher of the venue, these activities are carried out to remember why women are commemorated every March 08, "it was a very pleasant, very profitable moment because in the classroom we have a variety of students, from different ethnic groups, different ages, they prepared verses, songs and many cute details for women" , the teacher detailed.

During the development of the class, the student analyzed the origin of the international commemoration of Women's Day, in addition to meaning for them and them, "to be a woman", some through poems detailed that women should be respected for their rights, to equalize their duties and to deepen the psychological and physical abuse that is currently lived towards those of the female sex " we were particularly talking about what it means to be a woman from our context," Bustamante said.

Spirituality from the worldview of indigenous peoples

The unity that Civil Engineering students are receiving is, "spirituality from the miskita indigenous worldview on Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast", which is why the teacher stated that these issues focused on women's rights must be reflected from the context of indigenous peoples "is the articulation with the subject, what we are living together , what we are projecting, learning and is very productive, especially for this generation," Bustamante emphasized.

Similarly, the teacher explained that from the classrooms at URACCAN new citizenships are being formed with intercultural gender perspectives, "where roles are equal, where roles are equal, from indigenous spirituality and worldview men and women are seen as a complementary being, without traditionally following the social patterns that have been instilled in us" Bustamante explained.

Finally, she assured that the student community is also being promoted, the equity and equal rights between women and men "we both need to live together, to love each other, to produce, to project, to create, these are feelings that are being given here in the prime of skin, I am happy to have these boys, because they themselves are actors of verses and songs" , concluded the teacher.