Regional authorities hand over Order of Autonomy to UNC, URACCAN, UNAN-Managua and UNAN-León
Dr. High Hooker Blandford Receives Order of Autonomy
Dr. High Hooker Blandford Receives Order of Autonomy
Neylin Calderon

Delivered by the Autonomous Regional Council of the North Caribbean Coast

During the VIII Ordinary Session of the Autonomous Regional Council of the North Caribbean Coast, in Waspam, the "Order of Autonomy" was delivered to the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN), National University of Nicaragua, Managua (UNAN-Managua), UNAN-León and the National Council of Universities (UNC); this recognition is a higher degree of distinction on the part of an instance.

This distinction was given to Dr. Alta Hooker Blandford, rector of this alma mater, in recognition of her contribution in Intercultural Community Higher Education, in the training of professionals, indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and mestizos to strengthen her own identity, consolidating the regional process and socio-economic development on nicaragua's Caribbean Coast.

In addition, UNAN was given for its collaboration and solidarity in Higher Education with quality and relevance, for the training of professionals from the North Caribbean Coast and the UNC for its invaluable contribution to Higher Education, with Intercultural Community Universities for the training of professionals from the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua.

Commitments to the development of the Caribbean Coast

In this sense, Dr. Hooker said that receiving this recognition "means more commitment, much more responsibility, it really means continuing to raise the banner of policies, of the values of Autonomy, means to work from reason and heart," she said.

In addition, Hooker recalled the words of one of the founders of URACCAN, where he emphasizes the duty of the university in the development of the regional process, "Autonomy is not for the faint of heart and spirit, Autonomy is really a patriotic challenge, so I take it, which means to work more, give more and be responsible," he said.

For her part, teacher Ramona Rodríguez commented that this recognition of UNAN-Managua and UNC is out of gratitude for the effort and sacrifice made by university brigades after the two hurricanes that hit the North Caribbean.

In addition, Dr. Flor de María Valle, rector of UNAN-León, said that receiving this majestic recognition means more commitment to Nicaragua and Caribbean families, "is another incentive for the university of more than 200 years to continue developing processes in teaching, research and extension," he emphasized.

UNC's accompaniment to URACCAN

The rector of URACCAN further explained that the UNC visit to the waspam university extension facility is part of the university's appreciation to each of the council members for accompanying and offering solidarity with URACCAN after hurricanes Eta and Iota passed.

"This is the second time they have come in a very short period; that shows that they are really there, they are accompanying us and that the Government of Nicaragua is with us and the Caribbean Coast has the open arms to receive them," Hooker said.