Authorities of the Bilwi compound met with the UNAN-Managua group of psychologists.
Resilience and psychological help to the entire university community
As a way to demonstrate trust, brotherhood and solidarity between URACCAN and the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN-Managua), the rector of this house of intercultural higher education, Dr. Alta Hooker, and the MSc. Ramona Rodríguez Pérez, rector of UNAN, teamed up to assist in resilience, psychological, therapeutic and self-care support to the educational community of the Bilwi campus, through the sending of a group of psychologists who will be accompanying in the restoration process.
This Thursday, November 26, at the premises of the House of Spirituality, the group of seven psychologists and psychologists met with the authorities of the Bilwi campus and with teachers of Psychology in Multiculturthal Contexts and Intercultural Medicine to form the plan of activities to be carried out during the 15 days that will be housed in this city.
Dr. Enrique Cordón, vice-chancellor of the compound, was in charge of welcoming the UNAN delegation, where he recalled that after the passage of Hurricane Felix there were many people emotionally affected, by the loss of loved ones, in addition to the impacts on their homes and the ecosystems of the territory, in that period the emotional part also had to be treated , but on that occasion he coordinated with UNAN-Leon and did an excellent job.
"We are open to supporting the process, we want it to be done well, we would also like you to feel as a family, to feel good about us, to have all the confidence, so that you can do the work you will be doing easy," the vice-chancellor told them.
While psychologist Leslie Tórrez, coordinator of UNAN-Managua's Vocational and Psychological Guidance Directorate, said this work will be an integration between UNAN and URACCAN specialists. "We have the planning to be until December 08, we're going to talk about what ideas they have, what we can do here (enclosure), we heard from fellow psychologists who also needed mental health help," she explained.
Actions to take on mental health aid
Tórrez stated that among the activities they have planned to help the university community are: individual psychological care, group or collective psychological care, workshop of control of emotions, overcoming mourning, overcoming stress, workshops on self-esteem. "We are on both the two avenues, of individual attention and group attention, we will talk with our colleagues here, because as they are from here they know better the reality where we can participate to build in the best way," he concluded.
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