They conduct conversations with indigenous Mayangna students and miskitas from the Las Minas campus
The young women related how they participate in the various family and community activities.
José Garth Medina

Spaces where the culture and identity of indigenous peoples is strengthened

A group of Indigenous Mayangnas and Miskitas students from URACCAN Las Minas held a conversational conversation to reflect on the role that women play in the community and their rights, in the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multilingual context of the Caribbean Coast.

This meeting took place from the area of Legal Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, in articulation with the Center for Multi-Ethnic Women's Studies and Information (CEIMM) and Student Welfare of the Las Minas campus, as part of the activities that were planned to commemorate the International Day of Indigenous Women, as published by teacher Lilia Montoya Leal , in the area of Legal Sciences.

Vielka Elcira Vans Thompson is originally from the Mayangna community of Phoenicia, rosita Municipality, and reflected on their work in communities as indigenous women. In his community he participates in sports activities, goes to the Morava church and is a representative of the youth within his church, where he encourages them to continue participating in religious activities. At home, he helps his mom and sometimes supports fieldwork.

Enrica Bustillo Obando, originally from the Community of Ladricola in Prinzapolka, recounted that she supports her mother in housework and takes food to her dad where she works. On Sundays they participate in the religious services of the Morava church.

Briedriel Yasuara Rosales Jarquín of Alamikamba said that the community highlights the work of indigenous women, from home and other spaces, thus contributing to the family and community economy.

Teacher Ada madrigal Ramírez, of CEIMM, explained that the conservatory was developed to address the feelings, knowledge, makings of the indigenous students of the campus, who shared the heritage of their ancestors, intimately related to nature.

Teacher Madrigal Ramirez emphasized that these young indigenous people are fortunate to be at this university, which allows them to professionalize and become leaders of their communities in the future. They also emphasized that these spaces strengthen their cultures and traditions.

The young women expressed concern about the loss of much of the customs and traditions of their peoples. For this reason, these spaces promoted by URACCAN, where they strengthen their indigenous identities, are of paramount importance.