URACCAN's new Strategic Plan, designed for 10 years
URACCAN professional team during one of your planning sessions.
Judith Robleto

After four days of hard work of self-assessment and planning, the professional team consisting of rectory, vice-rectories, general secretariat and area management of URACCAN, led by Dr. Alta Hooker, concluded the new Institutional Strategic Plan, which will take effect for a decade.

The planning activity was also adjusted to the reality that is lived with regard to health, so it promotes actions to preserve the life of the entire university community.

For Master Yuri Zapata, vice-chancellor general of URACCAN, "making a strategic identification from 2021 to 2030 has allowed us to see that our vision and mission is in force, our vision remains relevant to the context and we are working on the role that we will already position the model of Intercultural Community University."

Essential elements of the intercultural community model

Zapata, recalling that this planning process has been widely participatory and consulted, stated that "within the elements of a community university model is collaborative intercultural community participation; is how the different states, the peoples participate in the management processes, in the implementation of the activities, in the implementation of the programs and processes that we work together."

Think of 10 years of teaching-learning

According to the new Strategic Plan, the teaching-learning process has been projected for 10 years, updating curriculum processes, academic offer and teacher training. In this process, says teacher Castillo, academic director of URACCAN, areas "such as libraries, student well-being, educational technology are fundamental."

In this regard, Master Marlon Peralta, director of URACCAN's Information Technology and Institutional Communication System (SITICI), said that "this process is a results-based process, involving all areas; (SITICI) articulates with the different technical areas that involve a greater planning process within the institution." An example of this is educational technology, as well as the management of the University Management System, which is the platform created from URACCAN to plan.  

In conclusion, Peralta argued that the technological part is cross-cutting by its relationship with the other URACCAN areas, mainly because of its orientation with themes "gender, interculturality and now innovation and the same search for projects".