MINSA provides briefing to URACCAN Bluefields venue staff
Bluefields staff during the talk given by SILAIS Bluefields deputy director, Dr. Susy Mayorga.
Josselyn Flores

Promoting the health of the university community

One of IMTRADEC's main tasks is health promotion; that's why, in coordination with MINSA, the URACCAN compound in Bluefields was visited by Dr. Susy Mayorga, deputy faculty of SILAIS Bluefields, who gave a talk on COVID-19 and other chronic diseases to the staff of this institution.

Contribution of traditional medicine

Teacher Grace Kelly, coordinator of IMTRADEC, argued that through the use of traditional medicine it can be contributed to the reduction of coronavirus contagion, keeping the body healthy.

"We present a talk on traditional medicine, practices and use of medicinal plants before COVID-19," she said.   

The staff of the university was present in the activity, always complying with each of the prevention measures established in the security protocol. Therefore, the participants were divided by groups and at different times.

"The idea is to ensure estrangement and, with the number of workers we have, it was decided to invite one group first and then another so that we could bring the information to everyone without crowding them," said Teacher Kelly.

Ministry of Health, committed to the population

Dr. Mayorga emphasized the local health system's commitment to raising awareness of viral disease prevention measures for the population and institutions.

"As a Ministry of Health we are visiting URACCAN University, highlighting the prevention measures that we must implement in the face of the situation we have with the coronavirus pandemic, since we know that the region is not exempt from having cases and therefore we have to take care of ourselves."

"The goal of informing in these spaces is that from the university they can transmit the information of hygiene and prevention measures with people nearby, in the enclosure and in the community, since with these we not only prevent the spread of coronavirus, but of so many viral diseases that emerge because of the rainy period," said Dr. Mayorga , who urged participants to continue practicing each of the guidelines transmitted.

SiLAIS Bluefields' deputy director concluded by ensuring that "work has been being done on health education in a general way on all viral disease issues, through home visits, in government instances, in different schools and in this case at URACCAN University."