Fourth Ordinary Enclosure Session at URACCAN Bluefields
Members of the University Council of Campus at its Fourth Ordinary Session.
Josselyn Flores

URACCAN Bluefields held the Fourth Ordinary Session of the University Council of Campus (CUR), discussing substantial aspects of walking the university from its various states, which addresses institutional work and progress made on a monthly basis.

Following the review of the minutes of agreements of the previous session, which analysed compliance with them, the commitment that each area assumes was highlighted and must assume on time, as mandated by this decision-making registry in the territory.

Among the agenda items addressed is the analysis of the Mission and Vision, as the main bridge that guides the processes that are implemented from the university, as an important engine for the development with identity of peoples through intercultural higher education relevant to territorial realities.

They also analyzed the local, regional, national and international context to be aware of what is happening and take actions that warrant an approach by the university.

CoVID-19 Safety Protocol

CUR members addressed substantial aspects of the institutional security protocol implemented before COVID-19, created and organized by the university according to the territorial realities of the Caribbean Coast, which stands out for its multicultural context.

As a result of this institutional initiative led by rectory, decisive measures have been taken to ensure the necessary estating in the classroom and during the cuts of each class change.

Teacher Luvy Hernandez presented the plan implementation report to COVID-19.

Biodiversity protection

In the framework of this session, the coordination of the Institute of Natural Resources environment and sustainable development (IREMADES) shared important data on the project they implement in the South Caribbean on the preservation of the life of tapir, a species that is currently endangered. A number of animals have been found that have managed to survive indiscriminate hunting.

Mechanisms for student recruitment

From the Academic Secretariat, in conjunction with its academic coordinations, and the coordination of Student Welfare, student recruitment has already been raised through different strategies, including the media as an important bridge to information sharing.

As a result of this process, they have organized a schedule of activities for student recruitment 2021, presented by teacher Heidi Guillén, academic secretary, and the Licda. Lyssette Newball, Student Welfare Coordinator.

Finally, the CUR members learned important elements of the report of the Commission on Eradication against Discrimination, Gender-Based Violence and Other Related Intolerance, submitted by Licda. Marsha Cuadra.