From the URACCAN Las Minas Campus

By: Jose Garth

The Intercultural Community University, from its Pedagogical Model and Institutional Philosophy, promotes the theme of Innovation as a fundamental and strategic element for development with identity from the relevance of teaching-learning processes oriented from the academy.

From this logic, key players from the city of Siuna, gathered at the university's facilities, to socialize, discuss and identify the challenges or challenges that weave innovative ideas to contribute to the solution of problems for the strengthening of the integral development and identity of this territory.

Thus began the first meeting with local actors, to identify the challenges or challenges that students will take in the first season of open innovation in this venue, held on September 25, with the participation of officials and officials of this house of study.

Local actors with genuine proposals

Teacher Jacoba Estela Rodríguez, coordinator of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the campus, highlighted that twelve local actors came to the call, "work has been done on the main needs that they consider to be to seek innovative solutions".

"This process of open innovation consists of identifying some challenges, problems, challenges, needs present in the neighborhoods, mixed communities, Indigenous and Afro-descendants, to find with our leading allies, leading allies and the different institutions (local actors), solutions to problems that afflict our society," Rodriguez said.

The coordinator said this is a pilot because it is the first time it has been carried out in the area, but also stressed that the venue has sufficient human talent and with its students will look for alternatives that can be viable and innovative for the benefit of society.

Identifying challenges

With the local actors, basic needs were identified, who recorded a finding of 60 challenges, so two of these will be selected to work and find the solid mechanisms and criteria to ensure success, however, a team was created that will select two of the challenges to proceed with the publication of them and once this process is ready The student community will then be summoned to proceed to seek innovative solutions.


The Teachers: Ada Madrigal, Lilia Montoya, Zaida Argoello and Carolina Marchena Blanco accompanied the initiative and thanked attendees for sharing with URACCAN and helping to find innovative solution alternatives with our students.