Exercise to restore mental health and emotional stability
Professor Marsha Cuadra, at the center of the photo, with two students of Psychology in Multicultural Contexts.
Josselyn Flores

Contributing to the psychosocial development of the university community

In URACCAN Bluefields enclosure, psychologists continue to contribute to the emotional stability of the population. This time, the Licda. Marsha Cuadra, a psychology teacher, designed the exercise "Now is when I need me more than ever", whose goal is to lead the person to conscious reflection on those situations that are affecting their mental health and emotional stability. (Exercise at the end of this article).

This project was carried out under the slogan "Taking care of my mental health, is taking care of my soul", (phrase of the American pastor Joel Austin), and identifies everything that is negatively interfering in someone's life and that does not allow him to concentrate on his strengths in order to cope with a particular situation.

This mental training is carried out with the purpose of "spending a moment with myself through self-reflection to connect with my psychological resources that favor my personal development".

"The steps are simple, they just have to be done really consciously and hope that change will lead you to focus on being well," she said.

The psychologist explained how this exercise should be done. "The first step is to talk to oneself, by doing this one can create that self-awareness and approach what is affecting him, as well as recognize his strengths through that inner conversation."

"The second step is to identify all those misconceptions that break negatively into our thinking; each step is designed so that one can be talking to oneself, because that is the purpose: to start speaking to us so that we can get to the bottom of the things that are hurting us; in this way we propose in the end a motivational phrase that reinforces all those values that human beings have within them but that needs connection with them to develop them and thus reap a positive attitude towards life and different situations; Likewise strengthen the spirit, we know that faith contributes to keeping the human being connected with the being that gives us life and protects us from all evil," Cuadra mused.

Performing the exercise, step by step

Through the next steps I will be able to contribute to the strengthening of my mental health. To achieve this I will make sure to disconnect from my cell phone and what distracts me; I will look for my place of tranquility and continue in a consenting way the following (I repeat in my mind):

1. This moment is mine...

2. I give myself permission to read this...

3. And I start now...

4. Three consecutive times: I inhalo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (seconds) and exhalo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (seconds).

5. I remember that it is important to exercise my breath before, during and after an event that causes me discomfort.

6. I congratulate myself: "How well I have done!"

Now I will work on the intrusive thoughts, that is, all those who break into my mind, interrupt my tranquility and alter my emotional stability. Steps:

1. I think of them, I work one at a time (negative thoughts or intruders).

2. I identify them, write them or just remember them.

3. I recognize the extent to which I am affected (from 1 to 10) and give it a value.

4. I wonder, "What do you make me feel?" (I name my emotions, feelings).)

5. Now, I ask myself the question: "How long are they going to affect me?" "Do I have to be so affected?"

6. I propose: it is time to reduce the lifespan of these negative feelings and emotions.

7. I replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts: I think of them and bring them to my mind

8. I repeat the following:

"I am blessed, prosperous, redeemed, forgiven, talented, creative, safe, disciplined, focused, prepared, qualified, motivated, valuable, free, determined, equipped, trained, accepted, and approved. I am the son of Almighty God. I will become all that I was created to be, in the name of Jesus. Amen!" (Pastor Joel Austin, 2020)

9. Go ahead! My life goes on! I have so much more of me to follow!