MEMBERS of the CUR, know progress and work of the extension.

By: Jose Garth Medina

Members of the University Council of Campus of URACCAN Las Minas, learned about the progress and work of the Bonanza Extension, as part of the third session of this decision-making body, which for the first time met on this campus.

During the University Council, the different areas presented the progress that leads to compliance with the minimum laws prior to the visit of the evaluator pairs of the National Board of Evaluation and Accreditation CNEA.

From the team of the Institute of Intercultural Communication and Disclosure was presented the editorial line of Intercultural Communication of URACCAN, as well as the Regulations of operation of communication laboratories in URACCAN.

This team presented the agreements that were reached in the workshop articulation of institutional communication carried out in Bilwi with the rector of URACCAN, Dr. Alta Hooker.

The Master's Degree Hazel Salgado Téllez, coordinator of Human Talent, made an analysis in conjunction with the authorities of the University Council of the Human Talent Policy and the rules of procedure in URACCAN.

Strengthen extensions

Angelica Leonor Ruiz Calderon, Ph. D, vice-chancellor of URACCAN Las Minas, said the campus has three extensions in the Las Minas campus, and session in Bonanza for the first time, means that the university extension is strengthened and the members of the University Council know the context in which each university extension takes place.

The Eulogio Pedro Rufus master's degree, coordinator of URACCAN Bonanza, said that this type of session that URACCAN does on its 2020 agenda is essential, "it is a space where topics of teaching, management, financial, projects are addressed, and it is essential because this extension also serves our authorities for the first time," he said.

The Rosidani Molina Master's Degree, coordinator of URACCAN Waslala, said it is important that the University Council visit the extension to be seeded, as it allows to know the development that has the extension and the needs that its staff have so that when making decisions that affect our territories we can know this context.

URACCAN has a standard form of government from its highest authority which is the University Council of URACCAN CUU, the University Councils of Campus in each territory, are the highest authority, where the issues are addressed and the decisions that have to do with institutional life in this house of higher education are discussed.