URACCAN Teacher Training

By: Neylin Calderón

The University of the Autonomous Regions of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua (URACCAN), in its Bilwi campus, strengthens organizational, educational and human talent capacities for conflict resolution in and out of classrooms.

In this sense, the academic secretariat of the campus, through the area of Medical Sciences, conducts training to full-time and time teachers under the theme "Conflict Resolution in the Classroom".

Psychologist Teysi Allen, sectional secretary of the teaching guild in Bilwi, is responsible for deepening the issue of problems and conflicts that arise inside and outside classrooms, to find solutions that do not alter order in the academy, through negotiations, conciliations and mediations; In addition, this training seeks to maintain harmony in all institutional areas.

Teacher trainingTraining advances

As training progresses, their own content emerges exposed by the same teachers among them interpersonal relationships, such as dealing with situations that alter the emotional states of students and teachers, as well as strengthening knowledge about the internal regulations and regulations of URACCAN University.

Similarly, during this process, the teachers of the Bilwi campus were giving their views on some problems that can become conflicts within the university, in addition, analyzing ways to find dominance in groups, strengthen leadership capacities and avoid any confrontation that may be harmful.