University community performs cleaning day to reactivate Bilwi campus
The large URACCAN family in Bilwi has collaborated enthusiastically in the rehabilitation actions of the site.
Neylin Calderon

Cleaning, disinfection and fumigation in the enclosure

In order to reactivate the academic work of the Bilwi campus, the university community gathered on campus for the cleanup day and therefore ordered everything destroyed by Hurricane IOTA. This and other rehabilitation activities are carried out after the orientations provided by the rector of URACCAN, Dr. Alta Hooker, whose efforts have allowed the strengthening of this institution, in order to promote a space where the student can continue his teaching-learning process, reported the teacher Ivania Padilla, responsible for the area of Hygiene and Safety.

Therefore, it started with the classrooms where the classes will be held from tomorrow, Wednesday, November 25, the premises and the teaching room, which were destroyed, in addition, a day of fumigation was made in coordination with the Ministry of Health.

"A group of teachers coordinated and went to clean the classrooms that were being occupied as shelters by the Wawa Bar and Karatá community members, as well as other colleagues gave themselves to clean up on the premises of the enclosure, it was quite dirty by the fallen trees, dried leaves, but there we are coordinating, and we are cleaning," Padilla said.

In turn, Padilla emphasized that under coordination with the Minsa the review of Zancudos breeding ground transmitting Malaria was carried out "and also, today they proceeded to fumigate, because all this process that is going on in the face of this natural phenomenon that came, the disaster that there is, we are exposed to contracting any type of disease, whether Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya and covid-19 , then, we must take all preventive measures to try to stay safe," he concluded.