URACCAN Joint Commission is in session to organize a prevention plan
URACCAN continues to support Caribbean families, who are still housed in the enclosures and extensions of this institution.
Judith Robleto

With the participation of all its members, the URACCAN New Guinea Joint Commission set out to organize an action plan in the face of any emergency. "The obligation is to foresee" any damage or affectation, ensured the vice-chancellor of the compound and chairman of that commission, PhD. Eugenio López Mairena.

The commission has a risk prevention action plan, as well as leading exercises such as simulations to safeguard lives. It is currently working on the development of an immediate action plan if there is an emergency at the site.

"Seeing each of our strengths, more critical points, the requirements to protect life and equipment is part of what an action plan should contain," said Master Yader Morales, vice president of this commission and who would participate in the tour of all the facilities alongside the commission.

A staff incorporated into prevention actions

In the afternoon and after having a vision of equipment shelters of the venue, the Joint Commission led an assembly with all the human talents of the venue; where he was invited to be alert to any call inviting to implement the provisions of the venue in the face of any event or natural phenomenon affecting the university community and the general population, since URACCAN is a shelter center in the face of a calamity in the city of New Guinea.

In the face of the blow of ETA a couple of weeks ago, the university community on this campus organized an aid campaign and everything donated by the noble population was sent directly to those affected. In the face of the calamity left by Hurricane IOTA, it continues in a collective campaign like URACCAN, to continue hand in hand with the rest of the cost-affected community.