From Bilwi's Rosario Murillo neighborhood
By: Neylin Calderón
The Centre for Multi-Ethnic Women's Studies and Information (CEIMM-URACCAN) in coordination with the Commission on the Eradication of Violence, Discrimination and Other Related Intolerance of URACCAN Bilwi Campus, commemorated the International Day of Non-Violence against Women.
According to teacher Anny Marley, coordinator of CEIMM-URACCAN in Bilwi, the main purpose of meeting with the women of the Rosario Murillo neighborhood, was to reflect on the situation of violence that occurs in the country, "We were able to contextualize about the violence experienced and their strategies to eliminate it," he said.
In addition, Marley assured that one of the ways to raise public awareness is by reaching the place where they live, observing the environment and building, together, strategies to eradicate violence in all possible areas, "Women in the Rosario Murillo neighborhood are part of the workshops implementing the lines of action of the Study Gender, Violence and Spirituality" the teacher added.
Other activities
In this context, the Bilwi campus is contemplated to hold the last meeting with women from two neighborhoods of the city of Bilwi, Barrio Rosario Murillo and Wawalaya, to concreteize the lines of action of the Study Gender, Violence and Spirituality, prepared by members of CEIMM-URACCAN and a forum by the Commission on the Eradication of Violence, Discrimination and other related intolerance of the campus with students of the Sabatino shift.
Photos: Anny Marley
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