Candidates and candidates for Institutional Elections receive first training
Electoral Training for URACCAN Candidates 2021
Electoral Training for URACCAN Candidates 2021
Dara Contreras

Prioritizing institutional values for the development of a peaceful and democratic party

As part of the holding of Institutional Elections for the period 2021-2026, the URACCAN Electoral Committee trained candidates for the positions of Rectory, Vice-General and Vice-Chancellors of Enclosures, together with their respective teams of work, with the aim of organizing the actions to be carried out and developing a civic and democratic electoral process.

Complying with the provisions of the calendar, approved by the University Council of URACCAN (CUU), during this meeting that was moderated by Dr. Mercedes Tinoco, delegate of the Electoral Commission at URACCAN Bilwi venue; Dr. Fernando Saavedra, legal advisor to URACCAN and MSc. Bernardine Dixon, chairwoman of the URACCAN Electoral Committee, explained the basics of the Regulations, Regulatory Compendium and the Electoral Card.

In this space, each of the participants had the opportunity to share and raise their concerns according to this context, which were clarified and supported by the members of the Electoral Committee, in addition to knowing the development and dynamics related to the election campaign.

In this sense, it was emphasized that these spaces of appropriation of the Electoral Regulations, allow and ensure the development of a civic process, where each of those involved manage to clarify and clarify their doubts, thus strengthening the institutional values of this house of intercultural higher studies.

For its part, the MSc. Bernadine Dixon, chairwoman of the Electoral Committee, recalled that it is important to comply with each of the regulations set out in the Rules of Procedure, in order to prioritize a civic, democratic and peaceful feast, reflecting the philosophy that characterizes this house of higher education.

This training of candidates and their work teams is scheduled to take place during two sessions, the next one is scheduled for this Saturday, February 13, 2021.