With the participation of teachers and administrators
By: Judith Robleto
As part of the Day of Non-Violence Against Women, educational actions were developed with URACCAN teachers and administrative staff in its New Guinea precinct to promote processes of decolonization of gender-based violence, specifically sexual harassment.
These actions are carried out within the commitments that URACCAN promotes and practices from its regulatory framework; in this way the implementation of the Intercultural Gender Policy created by this study house and based on the intercultural perspective of gender, relevant to the rights of the costeños and costeñas, as well as indigenous, Afro-descendant and mixed-race peoples, is effective.
Harmonious and educational relationships
The activity was opened with the words of welcome of Dr. Eugenio López, vice-chancellor of the venue, who assured that "URACCAN since its foundation has recognized the rights of both women and men. Within the university we have a Center for Multi-ethnic Women's Studies and Information, we have created a regulatory framework for the care of cases of gender-based violence, we have an ongoing process of training with teaching, administrative and student staff," she said.
Likes, for teacher Danelia Benavides, coordinator of CEIMM-URACCAN in New Guinea, "Having an Intercultural Community University in which harmonious relationships develop involves analyzing together with the teaching, administrative and studied staff how we are taking care of, feeding and living the relationships that we establish in this study house, based on the recognition of the human rights of each and every one of us who integrate it" Assured.
The action was developed with the support of the Depatriarcization and Decolonization project for transformation from education, with the collaboration of Dr. Martha Reyes Hernández, holder of obligations, who was facilitator in space.
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