Internship at Siuna Hospital

By: José Garth Medina

Students of intercultural nursing of URACCAN campus Las Minas carry out their specialization practices, supervised by their teachers, at the Carlos Centeno Hospital, Siuna, putting into practice their theoretical learnings, explained the teacher, Mr. Claudia Guzmán.

In addition, the academic commented that working with academic pennsum and internships are doing the basics, between injection application, channeling, folley tube installation, vital signs, among other activities related to basic nursing knowledge.

Personal and professional development processes

For her part, Gloria Obando, a nursing student, described that in this process they have felt very comfortable, because the hospital nurses have supported them and the teachers are aware of them, she also referred that when they have problems teachers help them and contribute to solve the problems they have.

In addition, Master Lilia Montoya, coordinator of the Area of Humanities and Legal Sciences, emphasized that young people perform their first specialization practice and are also accompanying neighborhoods on the subject of the sweep plan, through home visits, in accompanying families to prevent dengue and malaria.

Julio Santos Torrez Charly, a student of Intercultural Nursing, commented that in the sweeping plan, they leave the hospital for wards, visit homes and give them talks and look for people with signs of fever to send to the health unit for their care.

URACCAN, within its teaching-learning processes leads its students to share the theoretical part and apply it in practice, in order to strengthen those processes and favor the communities of the Caribbean Coast.