Bilwi Vice-Chancellor holds briefing with the teaching guild
Teaching guild in briefing on COVID-19 and new measures for its prevention.
Neylin Calderon

Updating the context of COVID-19 disease

Enrique Cordón, PhD, vice-chancellor of the Bilwi compound, held an informational assembly with the teaching guild on Thursday, where he explained the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the protective measures being taken as an Intercultural Community University.

Cordón explained to the teaching community that it is strictly fulfilling the use of masks within the work areas, because it is personal responsibility to take care of each other, it is also a gesture of goodwill, solidarity and companionship among the URACCAN family.

In addition, he reaffirmed that the Bilwi compound had created the necessary conditions for the university community to enjoy prevention measures against the disease, the vice-chancellor called for self-discipline and emotional self-control, as well as not to spread fake news circulating on social media and to communicate directly with the official media of the university.

Health Sciences contributing to the emotional and physical stability of officials and civil servants

For her part, the degree in Psychology Teisey Allen, exposed to the teaching guild that from the area of Health Sciences, specifically from the career of Psychology in Multicultural Contexts will be performed psychosocial therapies to improve mental health, which has been deteriorated in this crisis by COVID-19.

Finally, Dr. Larry Bushe, a professor in the career of Intercultural Medicine, said that as doctors they will provide informative talks, so that the college community knows in depth about the causes, symptoms and how this disease can be prevented.