Vice-chancellor of the Las Minas compound highlights walking from Autonomy and URACCAN on the Caribbean Coast
Dr. Ruiz Calderón (third from right to left), together with authorities of the Las Minas enclosure.
José Garth Medina

Towards development-relevant education with the identity of Caribbean peoples.

The Model of Intercultural Community University and higher education with quality are the main fruit of Regional Autonomy on the Caribbean Coast, as announced by Angélica Leonor Ruiz Calderón, PhD., vice-chancellor of the Las Minas campus, during the event of the 33 years of Regional Autonomy and the 26 years of founding of URACCAN carried out on this campus.

"Today we are pleased to collect the harvest of the seed that was grown in fertile land of our society, so this new anniversary finds the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast with a new institutionality, more settled and more flexible to change to face the new challenges in a world so dynamic and full of uncertainty" , said the vice-chancellor.

He added that URACCAN has new master's programs, specializations and international certification for teaching, administrative and student staff, 12 emblematic projects that strengthen and contribute to the National Education Plan, Regional Development Plan and Municipal Human Development Plans in line with what was established by the Institutional Educational Development Project.

Vice-Chancellor Ruiz Calderón stressed that URACCAN has more than 26,000 men and women trained to contribute to the regional and country regional process. 95% of these are employed and contributing to the development and strengthening of peoples.

It further stated that URACCAN has an infrastructure investment that allowed the construction of libraries, language laboratories, computer labs and constructions in the extensions of the site to dignify and give conditions to students, teachers and administrative staff.

La PhD. Ruiz Calderón reported that there are nearby projects, including chemical laboratories and offices of teaching and administrative staff, with a willingness to promote the rise of the staff of this institution and promote the growth of staff. 86% of staff have internationally certified training.

The academic assured that URACCAN Las Minas has signed an agreement with government institutions, mayors, private companies, cooperatives, with Indigenous Territorial Governments, non-governmental organizations and international cooperation agencies.

The tour made by the vice-chancellor emphasized projects managed with the Regional Council, Ministry of Education and Mayor to bring training programs to empirical teachers in Pedagogy, Mathematics and Spanish, as well as conditions of internet access and conditions to develop educational technology in our university.

Another aspect highlighted by Vice-Chancellor Ruiz Calderón was that URACCAN is with institutional evaluation and accreditation processes, "which puts us challenges to continue maintaining educational quality in the Intercultural Community University Model".

Finally, the academic noted that URACCAN has a strategic Institutional Life Plan of 10 years, by results, which will allow to achieve the objectives and goals proposed for the next decade.      

URACCAN's commitment in these contexts is to preserve and deepen the principles and values that should inspire public education: the unconditional cultivation of knowledge, search and invention, love of rigor and overcoming, the free expression of opinions, pluralism and non-discrimination, the promotion of citizenship and democracy.

"As we celebrate a new anniversary, we have a lot to thank our academics, students and collaborative staff at URACCAN. We continue to walk and do university, continue to build the path of tomorrow and enter the intercultural fabric," concluded the vice-chancellor.