URACCAN and Empresa Nafcosa sign collaboration agreement in Bilwi
Signing of agreement between URACCAN and Nafcosa, in Bilwi
Signing of agreement between URACCAN and Nafcosa, in Bilwi
Neylin Calderon

Interinstitutional strengthening

On the afternoon of This Friday, January 29, 2021, in the community of Krukira, municipality of Puerto Cabezas, Dr. Alta Hooker Blandford, rector of URACCAN and Mr. John Moncada, representative of the North Atlantic Fishing Company, S.A (Nafcosa), signed a partnership, articulation and capacity building agreement between NAFCOSA and URACCAN, in the development of capacity-building processes , research, development and innovation.

This firm was made considering that URACCAN enjoys operational autonomy and is committed to the development of human talent and capabilities, and Nafcosa is a pioneer in Business Development and Promotion of Productive Diversification, based on the pillars of sustainable development, business, environmental and social responsibility.

In addition, this agreement aims to "regulate collaboration between the Nafcosa Company and URACCAN for training, research, development and innovation; that allows the generation of new technical knowledge in the components of the projects that the company has undertaken on the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast", dictates the document.

Articulation that promotes URACCAN endogenous and exogenous education

In this regard, Dr. Hooker stated that this agreement comes to benefit the student community because they will be able to do their professional internships in this production company, "the interesting thing is that not only a type of student can come, but they are students from different careers; I feel that this dream needs to come true so that young people can see how the sea, lagoon, land, survival and export can be made good use," she said.

For his part, that the representative of Nafcosa emphasized that this agreement is part of the commitment to the development of the region, "I am grateful and will collaborate", he said, adding that previously collaborations had already been made with URACCAN, where some internships were carried out with students of Business Administration.   

Finally, the magnificent rector expressed that this signing of agreement is important for URACCAN and for the company, "but the biggest winners are the students who will come to do their internships here, this is part of the development with identity promoted by the university," she concluded.