URACCAN and IDB accompany vulnerable families in kamla community
Articulation of URACCAN authorities for accompaniment to vulnerable families
Articulation of URACCAN authorities for accompaniment to vulnerable families
Neylin Calderon

Campaign: "Support Central America, we're with you"

URACCAN, under the timely coordination of Dr. Alta Hooker Blandford, with the support and financing of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), will provide accompaniment and support to families affected by hurricanes Eta and Iota.

In this sense, representatives of the teaching guild and the Institutes and Centers of URACCAN Bilwi enclosure, met to form the commission that will carry out the diagnosis, distribution and delivery of the materials to the beneficiaries of the community of Kamla, municipality of Puerto Cabezas.

This project is carried out under the Campaign: "Central America Support, We Are With You", launched by the IDB, in central American countries that were affected by hurricanes, "the agreement was signed on December 29 by the rector (Dr. Hooker) and by the IDB," said Master Keith Narváez, head of the External Cooperation area of the Bilwi compound.

Methodology to follow

Among the agreements of the meeting it was detailed that "among the guidelines is to provide support in water and sanitation. In a way we know that the Kamla community, through some studies that URACCAN has done, the issue of water quality is not adequate," he said.

In addition, a diagnosis of infrastructure damage will be raised and in this way collaborate with some materials for the reconstruction of its homes, "the Inter-American Bank has put the trust in URACCAN so that these funds are managed as transparent as possible and that the benefits reach the communities we are proposing", emphasized Narváez.

Among the selection criteria they have taken into account are seniors, with disabilities, widows, and single mothers with no financial income.